With only one local race in the primary election to be held next Tuesday, Sept. 10, little or no interest is being shown locally in getting out the vote. State and national races may bring forth some interest at the polls, but voting Tuesday is expected to be light, at least locally. The only local race is for County Clerk on the Democratic party ballot which sees Jean DeGraff pitted against Lloyd Pyle. Mrs. DeGraff is working in the County Clerk's office, while Pyle is employed by the Ute Mountain tribe at Towaoc.
Quite a furor arose at the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees held Tuesday night at the Town Hall when several parents appeared to protest Ordinance No. 271, which forbids underage children from playing pool in local liquor establishments. Some of the parents stated their beliefs that their children should be allowed in the bars to play pool. However Ordinance 271, Chapter 11, Article 1, Section 4a and 4b distinctly prohibit under aged children from being in the bars to play pool. Some of those there reportedly stated that there was nothing else for the children to do and others were reported to have said that if the children were allowed in the bar, they could be watched better by their parents. Tempers were said to be hot and heavy. The board appointed a committee to draw up a new ordinance which will fit the needs of all the people and which may carry more force than the old one. Meanwhile, the old ordinance will continue in force for the next 30 days and the children will not be allowed in the bars.
Empire Electric Association will host a horseshoe pitching contest at the Shell Truck Stop beginning in the morning.
Enrollment in the Dolores Schools is down about 26 students this year over enrollment at this time last year. Superintendent J. D. Hathaway commented this week that the drop came mostly in the 10, 11 and 12 grades.
Eva Steerman from Grand Junction spent Monday visiting her sister, Mrs. George Denby and Gene and Evelyn McGalliard.
Hazel Smith and Mildred Denby went to Farmington last Thursday.
George and Ruth Berg from Rodgers City, Michigan spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Lee. They were teachers here in the mid 30s.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Periman, Mr. and Mrs. George Berg and Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Lee picnicked in the Lee's yard Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nielson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cline had dinner at the Bar D in Durango Saturday evening.