Precinct committeemen and committeewomen endorsed Charles R. Rash for appointment to the office of postmaster for Dolores at their meeting held at the town hall last Friday evening. Of the six votes cast, Mr. Rash received five and the presumption is that he will be the next postmaster. Chairman C. W. Lilly, of the Montezuma County Democratic Central Committee called the meeting. Charles Rash made the highest grade of those who took the examination some weeks ago, and he is acting as assistant postmaster at the present time.
Preparations are being made to resume operations at the McPhee plant of the New Mexico Lumber Mfg. Co., and it is expected that the big sawmill will be running at full capacity within a few days. Chas. Artz will have charge of the operations for a short time, it is stated, and it is possible that he will continue as manager of the plant.
If proved out, administration costs of the Taylro grazing districts will be 15 cents on the dollar, estimated by the U. S. Forest Service from experience by that department, Director F. R. Carpenter asserted in the grazing meeting in Denver this week.
Clifford Farris, of Elizabeth, Colorado, came in on the RGS whizzer Sunday night and has accepted a job as linotype operator and all-round man at the Dolores Star office. Mr. Farris is well qualified and will be a great help to the publisher.
According to an item in a Denver paper, Clyde Gelwick has been employed as one of the coaches in the Rocky Ford high school, where he will direct the training of the football team and teach general science. Clyde graduates this year from CU, where he has made a fine record and was a star player on the university football team.