Resurgent Mancos bounced in 53-6 loss to Norwood


Resurgent Mancos bounced in 53-6 loss to Norwood

Blue Jays’ six wins tied for most in past 12 seasons
The Mancos Blue Jays line up across from the Norwood Mavericks prior to their playoff opener on Friday.
Mancos quarterback Drew Morgan drops back to pass during the game against Norwood. The Blue Jays’ only score came on an 84-yard touchdown pass from Morgan to Andrew Plunkett.
Mancos junior Richard Martinez looks for an opening during a kickoff return on Friday.

Resurgent Mancos bounced in 53-6 loss to Norwood

The Mancos Blue Jays line up across from the Norwood Mavericks prior to their playoff opener on Friday.
Mancos quarterback Drew Morgan drops back to pass during the game against Norwood. The Blue Jays’ only score came on an 84-yard touchdown pass from Morgan to Andrew Plunkett.
Mancos junior Richard Martinez looks for an opening during a kickoff return on Friday.
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