Bruce Plumlee was hired by the Town Board as water superintendent and is now on the job in Dolores. He and his family are living temporarily in a trailer south of the plywood plant but will soon move into town.
Grace Shartel from Salem, Oregon is a house guest this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Porter. She arrived on last Sunday and will be returning home this coming Sunday. Jim and Rowena took her on the circle trip around by Ouray and Silverton on Wednesday.
Callie Lofquist was hostess to the Saturday evening pinochle party last week.
Eric and Emmy Froede accompanied by Mrs. Jim Tebbs drove to Ground Hog on Thursday to visit with Jim Tebbs.
Chuck and Lenore Lee, Helen Fogel, Bill and Margie Bowden, Rowena Porter, Lena Tibbits, Irene Lee and Dolly Rutherford attended the Eastern Star school of instruction in Cortez on Sunday afternoon.
Lillian Brown and Henrietta Baer returned to their home in Oregon on Monday after spending quite some time visiting with relatives and old friends in the Dolores area.
Karen Payne was hostess to a Sarah Coventry jewelry party on Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Clemensen and family were guests for dinner on Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hernandez of Cortez.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith are newcomers to Dolores. Mr. Smith is a plumber and presently employed by Corkys Plumbing and Heating.
Don Clemensen and daughter, Dona, attended the football game in Bayfield on Saturday.
Rose Johnson has recently returned home from Denver where she was a patient in the St. Josephs Hospital.
The chili supper sponsored by the Dolores Pep Club was a big success, according to the girls. They made a nice profit.
Weekend guest at the home of Jean Johnson on the 30th was her brother, Bud Casey, form Lockeny, Texas.
On Saturday several women from Dolores attended the Salad-Bridge Luncheon in Durango as guests of June Merritt. The luncheon was given by the Daughters of the Nile and the ladies all reported a real good time.
A new Thursday evening bridge club has been formed with the first game being hosted by Mary Akin. Those holding winning hands were Johnnie Fredricksen, Marge Welch and Judy Tate.
Margie Wilson returned home this week after spending three weeks in the hospital in Rochester, Min. undergoing treatment for a skin ailment.
Mr. Keith Gerdes, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Butler entered a hospital in Vandalia, Ohio on Monday with a blood clot in his leg.
Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wood, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Francisco went to Albuquerque, N.M. over the weekend for a combination business and pleasure trip.
Lisa Berry was initiated into the Order of Rainbow for Girls on Wednesday evening, Sept. 27.