Letter to the Editor Kids deserve safety, justice and healing

Dear Editor, We are Juniors at Dolores High School and we chose to do our Service Learning Project at Four Corners Child Advocacy Center. Over the past 6 months, we have weeded, cleaned, shopped,...

DATE: April 15, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - Letters to the Editor

Come on, legislators, say Yea or Nay

I was a registered Republican for many years, until 2008 when I had my fill of the lies and non-performance of the GOP on all levels. I am now a registered Independent who does not have much use...

DATE: March 17, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - Letters to the Editor

Residents thankful to road crews

We would like to take this opportunity to thank members of the Montezuma County Road Department and the Montezuma County Commissioners for making our lives a little safer. Their efforts to move the...

DATE: Jan. 21, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: BOCC transparency

After so many letters to the editor criticizing our Board of County Commissioners, I find myself needing to praise them.For decades, We (the People) have been arguing and fighting for "Transparency...

DATE: Jan. 7, 2015 | CATEGORY: DS - Letters to the Editor

Backyard feeders are not treacherous

I am 67, and I can tell you that feeding birds has long been under scrutiny. While appropriate food, season and feeder must be considered, wildlife authorities agree there is no harm in feeding...

DATE: Dec. 31, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Letters to the Editor

Teachers don't get vacations, and they love it

Dear Editor,Every so often, I hear complaints that teachers have too many vacations. Just to let the citizens of Dolores know, I am confident that the teachers of our community don't really have...

DATE: Dec. 31, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Letters to the Editor

Galloping Goose Historical Society to attend workshop

The Galloping Goose Historical Society of Dolores (GGHS) has been a proud resident of the Dolores community for over 25 years. Each year, 2,500 people from throughout the world visit the museum and...

DATE: Dec. 17, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Letters to the Editor

Why Michael Brown: We're on this planet together

Why the Michael Browns matter to me: because we are all on this planet together. Families, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends are all grieving. And yes, some are angry. Understandably....

DATE: Dec. 15, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor: Protesters remind reader of Vietnam

Well here we go again - I recognize the protesters at Colorado Highways 145 and 184. A similar group was on the Golden Gate Bridge in 1969 welcoming us back from Vietnam. Regardless of our view of...

DATE: Dec. 10, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Letters to the Editor

Reaction to protesters is sad

I am saddened by the reaction that three women, who are highlighting a possible injustice in Ferguson by holding signs, has received in the letters to the editor. A young black man was doing no...

DATE: Dec. 10, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Commissioners need to be forthcoming on Kinder Morgan

I have been watching the fight over the Kinder Morgan project to develop the CO2 resources in Montezuma County.The opposition of land owners to rights-of-way and the accusations of environmental...

DATE: Nov. 24, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Letters to the Editor

Thank You LetterS Thanks to our community

I really want to thank everyone in the county for their support in the county commission race. It was a wonderful experience for both my wife Dawn and I. I feel it was an honor and a privilege to...

DATE: Nov. 12, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - Letters to the Editor

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