
Letters to the Editor

As Iran has learned, defy America, pay no price

WASHINGTON – If you’re going to engage in a foreign policy capitulation, might as well do it when everyone is getting tanked and otherwise occupied. Say, New Year’s Eve. Here’s the story. In...

DATE: Jan. 7, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Minimum wage taps business owners

Owning a small business in Cortez is no simple task. The cost of owning a business alone is very high in this area, especially considering the number of people living here, cost of living and...

DATE: Jan. 7, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

‘Stolen’ lands argument goes nowhere

Once again another local “constitutionalist” has erroneously claimed that our public lands were stolen from the state of Colorado. Every 20 years or so another sagebrush rebellion rears its ugly...

DATE: Jan. 7, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

M-CHS hyphen came out of nowhere

When and why did MCHS become hyphenated as M-CHS? I can find no definitive grammatical rule nor reputable writing style guide indicating the referenced hyphen is needed. For reference by example, a...

DATE: Jan. 7, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

The ‘hollowing out’ of the American middle class

WASHINGTON — We’ll be hearing a lot about the middle class in the coming months. That’s one sure bet for 2016, as both parties compete for votes. What’s less sure is whether we’ll get an accurate...

DATE: Jan. 4, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Fancy TABOR footwork won’t fix finances

Sitting at my home desk preparing to write this column, I couldn’t be happier to see the mounds of snow outside the window. May el Niño be all for Southwest Colorado that’s been promised. For those...

DATE: Jan. 4, 2016 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Cortez blessed to have kind caregiver

In this day and age of corrupt pharmaceutical companies and inept uncaring medical professionals, there is a shining beacon of hope right here in Cortez! Nurse Practitioner Shawna Frost, is...

DATE: Dec. 28, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Can we realistically set the world’s temperature?

WASHINGTON – On climate change, curb your enthusiasm. It’s not that the recent international conference in Paris didn’t take significant steps to check global warming. It did. Nearly 200 countries...

DATE: Dec. 28, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Repeal unfair law on military divorce

I urge our elected representatives to take action to repeal or greatly modify the unfair “Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act” (P.L. 97-252 and amendments). Military members are the...

DATE: Dec. 24, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Celebrating Christmas – and a God on out side

WASHINGTON – The current ferment of American politics has brought comparisons to Europe in the 1930s, with echoes of leaders who stoke anger against outsiders and promise a return to greatness...

DATE: Dec. 24, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Mancos will soon need five trustees

Next year we are going to need to replace five trustees on the Mancos Town Board. Personally I am grateful for the service of those trustees that serve, as I know it is not an easy task. Now we...

DATE: Dec. 24, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

States should own so-called federal land

The Dec. 11 Journal had a story titled “Fact check.” The fact checker needs to check the facts! The “facts” commented that Ben Carson missed the boat on federal lands. The data referenced the...

DATE: Dec. 22, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the Editor are limited to 250 words. You will not be able to submit your letter in this form if you exceed this limit. Please include your full name, town or county of residence and a contact phone number. We edit letters for length and clarity and to eliminate libelous or tasteless material.

Opinion columns can be submitted to letters@the-journal.com. They are published at the prerogative of the opinion editor and may be edited. Opinion columns should be 600-650 words and should be accompanied by a head shot of the author and a one-line pertinent biographical description. (For example, “John Doe is president of the nonprofit Kidz ’n’ Horses,” or “Jane Doe is a Durango City Councilor.”) Please also include your full name and contact phone number.

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