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WASHINGTON – Welcome to what I’ve called “the politics of self-esteem.” By this, I mean that increasing numbers of people, on both the right and left and most with good intentions, have become...
DATE: Dec. 22, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
WASHINGTON – Last Saturday, Barack Obama gained the second jewel in his foreign policy triple crown: the Paris climate accord. It follows his Iran nuclear deal and awaits but the closing of...
DATE: Dec. 18, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
I am writing as president of the Kernan Creek Home Owners Association to express, on behalf of myself and the property owners of Kernan Creek Ranch, our gratitude for the donation of $10,000 for...
DATE: Dec. 18, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
As a FireWise ambassador, I want to voice my ongoing concern over Montezuma County not completely funding the organization’s budget for this county chapter in 2016. Without the active involvement...
DATE: Dec. 18, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Sometime on the evening of Dec. 11, a leak occurred on Cedar Street. As I was returning home around nine that night, the guys from Public Works were in full swing, digging a hole to determine the...
DATE: Dec. 18, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
WASHINGTON – Comes now economist Gary Burtless of the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank, with another view of government spending on the elderly. People like me have complained for...
DATE: Dec. 14, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
When the demagogues attacked immigrants, I kept silence, after all I am not an immigrant although maybe my grandparents were. And when the demagogues attacked Muslims, I kept silence, for I am not...
DATE: Dec. 14, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
I wanted to reply to Marja Goodwin’s letter entitled “Raffling guns is a bad idea,” (Journal, Dec. 8). Before going off half-cocked about using “proper channels,” Goodwin needs to check her facts...
DATE: Dec. 14, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Our political elites do not respond well with empathy to the concerns of citizenry, regarding the rapidity of diminishing natural resources — especially water! Considering the process of...
DATE: Dec. 14, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
WASHINGTON – So how exactly does this work, Donald Trump’s plan to keep America safe from Islamic terrorism by barring entry to all Muslims? He explained it on TV. The immigration official will ask...
DATE: Dec. 10, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
I’m afraid Marja Goodwin’s letter in the Dec. 8 Journal is way off base. Her statement that any Joe or Jane Doe can win the raffle and take home a gun is just wrong. Yes, they can win, but to take...
DATE: Dec. 10, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
A system that places 40 percent of its Native American students in special education classes can only be described as a system that is perpetuating cruel stereotypes and gratuitous labeling and...
DATE: Dec. 10, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
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