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Wow! Three whole protestors and all were related (Journal, Dec. 2). We’re to believe because they moved here from St. Louis they somehow know more about what happened in Ferguson than the rest of...
DATE: Dec. 4, 2014 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
I have been watching the fight over the Kinder Morgan project to develop the CO2 resources in Montezuma County. The opposition of landowners to right-of-ways and the accusations of environmental...
DATE: Dec. 4, 2014 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
By Caroline Little It has become a never-ending quest to define millennials. Those between the age of 18 and 34 are often portrayed as a self-absorbed, narcissistic generation obsessed with...
DATE: Dec. 2, 2014 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
WASHINGTON – As President Warren G. Harding took office in March 1921, Americans were in a funk, disillusioned by World War I and fearful of alleged radicals. But the main source of anguish and...
DATE: Dec. 2, 2014 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
WASHINGTON – My hometown of St. Louis has given up its sad secrets. Journalists – like tourists taking in the sights of social dysfunction – have explored its courthouses, its speed traps, its...
DATE: Nov. 27, 2014 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
It’s that time of year again. Thanksgiving. A day that we set aside to express gratitude for all that we have in our lives. I must admit that it is my favorite holiday. I also must admit that it is...
DATE: Nov. 27, 2014 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
I was disturbed to read of the Cortez Journal’s financial policy concerning obituaries. Don’t families who are in the midst of deep sorrow have enough to worry about without their local hometown...
DATE: Nov. 27, 2014 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
I want to thank everyone in the county for their support in the county commission race. It was a wonderful experience for both my wife Dawn and I. I feel it was an honor and a privilege to be able...
DATE: Nov. 27, 2014 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
WASHINGTON — The United States-China agreement on climate change is a huge political triumph, possibly “historic,” as its supporters say. Whether it much alters the world’s climate is a more open...
DATE: Nov. 24, 2014 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
This letter is in response to Lisa Roche’s Letter to the editor (Journal, Nov. 11) headlined, “Commissioners do not respect their office.” Roche is very kind person I worked with Deb Barton, so I...
DATE: Nov. 24, 2014 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
If you haven’t been there, you probably won’t fully understand Though maybe you know the heart and soul of a veteran, and you do understand Why they left home, so you didn’t have to And why their...
DATE: Nov. 24, 2014 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the voters of Montezuma County for their vote of confidence in me on my recent run for the office of Montezuma County clerk. My top priority as the...
DATE: Nov. 24, 2014 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
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