Mary Shinn/The Mancos Times @Photo Cutline: A front loader carries aspen logs to a speciality material handler.
Mary Shinn/The Mancos Times @Photo Cutline: An operator brings more aspen logs in to the chop saw.
Kyle Hanson/Courtesy @MT Photo cutline: Long-time employee Rudolpho Murillo preparing excelsior fibers for bailing. Excelsior is made by shredding aspen.
Kyle Hanson/Courtesy @MT Photo Cutline: Excelsior fibers (shredded Aspen) flowing to the main conveyor from one of the many excelsior machines.
Mary Shinn/The Mancos Times @MT Photo Cutline: A material handler moves a log on to a live deck, from the perspective close to that of an operator.
Mary Shinn/The Mancos Times @MT Photo Cutline: A material handler moves a log onto a live deck, which is similar to a conveyor, on its way to the chop saw.
Mary Shinn/The Mancos Times. @MT Photo Cutline: The dust created from making excelsior is gathered by vacuum in the airflow system and. When the dust comes off the conveyor just outside the building it is blown into the air and contributes to the local air pollution. This is one of the areas where the company is looking to make improvements by installing a walking floor trailor that would hold the dust. The dust on the ground is eventually turned into mulch.
Kyle Hanson/Courtesy Photo Credit: Team Leader, Senon Martinez guides logs towards the splitter.
Mary Shinn/The Mancos Times @Photo Cutline: A front loader carries aspen logs to a speciality material handler.
Mary Shinn/The Mancos Times @Photo Cutline: An operator brings more aspen logs in to the chop saw.
Kyle Hanson/Courtesy @MT Photo cutline: Long-time employee Rudolpho Murillo preparing excelsior fibers for bailing. Excelsior is made by shredding aspen.
Kyle Hanson/Courtesy @MT Photo Cutline: Excelsior fibers (shredded Aspen) flowing to the main conveyor from one of the many excelsior machines.
Mary Shinn/The Mancos Times @MT Photo Cutline: A material handler moves a log on to a live deck, from the perspective close to that of an operator.
Mary Shinn/The Mancos Times @MT Photo Cutline: A material handler moves a log onto a live deck, which is similar to a conveyor, on its way to the chop saw.
Mary Shinn/The Mancos Times. @MT Photo Cutline: The dust created from making excelsior is gathered by vacuum in the airflow system and. When the dust comes off the conveyor just outside the building it is blown into the air and contributes to the local air pollution. This is one of the areas where the company is looking to make improvements by installing a walking floor trailor that would hold the dust. The dust on the ground is eventually turned into mulch.
Kyle Hanson/Courtesy Photo Credit: Team Leader, Senon Martinez guides logs towards the splitter.