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Anglers asked to stop fishing at noon daily on several Southwest Colorado rivers

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is asking anglers to stop fishing on several Southwest Colorado rivers because low flows and warm water temperatures are stressing trout.

Durango man drives Jeep into home near Purgatory Resort

Durango’s Sigle ready to relive Eco-Challenge Fiji on Amazon Prime Video

Team Endure from the United States (team members, from left, Danelle Ballengee, Travis Macy, Mark Macy, Shane Sigle and Andrew Speers) competed in the 2019 Eco-Challenge adventure race in Fiji last September.

Durango’s Sigle ready to relive Eco-Challenge Fiji on Amazon Prime Video

Bear Grylls is the TV host of “World’s Toughest Race Eco-Challenge Fiji,” which chronicles an 11-day race covering more than 400 miles.

Durango’s Sigle ready to relive Eco-Challenge Fiji on Amazon Prime Video

World’s Toughest Race Eco-Challenge Fiji is now available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.

Durango’s Sigle ready to relive Eco-Challenge Fiji on Amazon Prime Video

Team Regulators from the United States (team members Steven Bell, Joshua Watkins, Heather Gustafson, Crista Jorgensen and Jason Hull) during the 2019 Eco-Challenge adventure race in Fiji.

Durango’s Sigle ready to relive Eco-Challenge Fiji on Amazon Prime Video

Racers compete in the 2019 Eco-Challenge adventure race in Fiji.

Durango’s Sigle ready to relive Eco-Challenge Fiji on Amazon Prime Video

Team Aussie Rescue from Australia (team members Samantha Gash, Morgan Coull, Mark Wales, Jarrod Mitchell and Joshua Lynott) in the 2019 Eco-Challenge adventure race in Fiji.

Durango’s Sigle ready to relive Eco-Challenge Fiji on Amazon Prime Video

Durango’s Shane Sigle, back, paddles Team Endure during the 2019 Eco-Challenge race in Fiji.

Durango High School junior starts hand-sanitizer business

Samantha Newcomer, 16, bottles her “Samitizer,” a hand sanitizer that she is manufacturing and selling from her La Plata County home, on Tuesday. She started the company when COVID-19 restrictions eliminated her summer job at Alcé restaurant.
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