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Several Front Range transportation projects are among the earmarks Colorado’s four Democratic members of the U.S. House have requested as part of the Biden administration’s $2 trillion infrastructure bill. The three GOP members of the U.S. House from Colorado oppose the earmarking system.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers and La Plata County Sheriff’s deputies investigate the scene of what CPW believes was a fatal bear attack near U.S. Highway 550 on Saturday morning. A 39-year-old woman was found dead Friday night near Trimble north of Durango.
Kateri Gachupin, a student at Fort Lewis College, and Marty Pool, assistant director of the Environmental Center, hold compost from the “Rocket” in-vessel composter. All the food waste at FLC’s San Juan Dining Room in the Student Union Building can now be composted – the “Rocket” can handle about half the waste and the other half is now picked up for composting by Table to Farm Compose of Durango.
Compost from the “Rocket” in-vessel composter used at Fort Lewis College.
Durango Timothy Pearce, with Fort Lewis College, makes a sandwich for an FLC student at the deli on Friday in the San Juan Dining room in the Student Union.
After the food waste is collected in the San Juan Dining Room in the Student Union, it goes through this machine, which removes water before the waste is sent to the “Rocket” in-vessel composting machine.
An internal composting system had been able to handle about 50% of food waste at the San Juan Dining Room at Fort Lewis College. Now, the college is contracting with Table to Farm Compost of Durango to compost the other half.
About half the food waste collected in the San Juan Dining Room in the Fort Lewis College Student Union is now sent to Table to Farm Compost.