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Editor: Empire Electric customers should have received a ballot in the mail to vote on who will represent District 1 and District 2 on the board of directors for Empire Electric. Most people...
DATE: May 30, 2013 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Editor: Why would anyone even think about using our beautiful, well-used, appreciated and loved Centennial Park for a building? There are so many empty buildings, unused lots, and gee, what about...
DATE: May 27, 2013 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Editor: Allow me to state, I am not an inbred ignorant conservative redneck. Nor do I regard Obama as the anti-Christ. However, given current events one thing has become clear: The future for the...
DATE: May 27, 2013 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Editor: It seems the tax-and-spend limousine liberals (pretending to be Republicans) of Cortez are still spending like drunken sailors on shore leave. This time, they want to build a new...
DATE: May 27, 2013 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Editor: When we first moved here in 2000, it was the city parks that attracted us. Now the city wants to use the land for new buildings. With the land between the police department and sheriff’s...
DATE: May 27, 2013 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Editor: As some believe that marriage was made by God between a man and a woman, did God also make divorce? And why does a couple have to get a license from a government office? Reference to the...
DATE: May 27, 2013 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Editor: Many of our hearts were touched as we watched news footages of the horrible destruction that the F5 tornado created in Oklahoma City this week. One that especially touched my heart was of...
DATE: May 27, 2013 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Editor: I believe that Carol Lynn Rising and Janet Koppri, as Christians, have missed their own point concerning gay marriage. “As Christians, we must comment on your front page (May 7) article...
DATE: May 27, 2013 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Editor: I just want to say thank you and best of luck to our sheriff, Dennis Spruell, for standing up to our governor. Thank God Dennis Spruell has the gumption to stand up and protect our...
DATE: May 23, 2013 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Editor: Once again, thanks, Sheriff Spruell, for standing up for the law-abiding gun owners of Montezuma County and Colorado. I am very proud we have you as our sheriff. Kelly Ellis Dolores
DATE: May 23, 2013 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Editor: Our forefathers did an awesome job of developing a document that was applicable for their time and would support our way of government for many years. They didn’t say we couldn’t make some...
DATE: May 23, 2013 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
Editor: As Christians, we must comment on your front page (May 7) article regarding the county’s first civil union. In Genesis 2:23-24, God says marriage was instituted by God as a relationship...
DATE: May 23, 2013 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor
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